
January 22, 2022

‘Joining Hands’

We are happy to announce that we have received substantial funding from the Department of Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) for our “Joining Hands” project. 

The ‘Joining Hands’ project seeks to address systemic discrimination against girls at risk of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and survivors through professionals across sectors -health, mental health, education, child protection who will be trained to spot and protect girls at risk and to give trauma-informed, culturally sensitive care to survivors. 

The project will see us creating interactive education modules for professionals involved in the care of FGM/C survivors and protecting girls at risk.  We will address knowledge gaps in health, mental health, education, and child protection areas through modules in both official languages. We aim to do this in partnership with survivors and key FGM/C professionals.  We will also host quarterly ongoing sector-specific bilingual webinars with national and international experts, to enhance understanding of issues surrounding FGM/C among both Canadian professionals and the Canadian public.

We are looking forward to ‘joining hands’ with Canadian stakeholders and partners on this project as we address systemic barriers by advancing inclusive policies and practices, increasing knowledge, and building networks and collaborations to accelerate systemic change.

If you would like to be involved in this project please contact Alisa Tukkimaki (!


July 8, 2021

Canada Committee Against Torture (CAT) Submission 2021

Our joint submission to the UN Committee Against Torture details our concerns about the continued prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Canada and the failure of the Canadian government to take concrete and effective action to end FGM/C in Canada and provide support for survivors, which constitute a violation of its obligation under Article 2 (obligation to prevent torture, including through legislative measures) of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (“the Convention”) to address FGM/C. 

Submitted by the End FGM Canada Network and Equality Now.

May 26, 2021

Canada must accelerate its efforts to protect girls and women from Female Genital Mutilation

End FGM Canada Network and Equality Now’s joint list of issues submitted to the Human Rights Committee 132nd Session June 2021

The following submission, made in advance of the 132nd session of the Human Rights Committee, covers our concerns about the continued prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in Canada and the failure of the Canadian government to take concrete and effective action to protect girls at risk of FGM and provide support for survivors. In this submission, we recommend questions to be asked to Canada by the committee and suggestions on the actions needed to protect women and girls from FGM in Canada. Sign our petition to End FGM in Canada now.

Submitted by:  End FGM Canada Network and Equality Now

February 6, 2021

Our OperatonYouth #EndFGM campaign prompted the first ever statement by a Canadian Prime Minister on the occasion of International Day of Zero Tolerance on Female Genital Mutilation on February 6th, 2021