Canadian News
Soutien aux femmes victimes de mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)
STATEMENT: Honourable Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth
On feb. 6th, Day for International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation, Marci Ien made a statement of support.
Albertans Combating Gender Inequality: End FGM Canada Network
As part of ACGC’s series on Albertans combatting gender inequality, we speak with with Alisa Tukkimaki, National Director of End FGM Canada Network, a national network with the goal of achieving “a Canada free from Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), where impacted women and girls are well supported, and girls at risk are protected.” End FGM Canada Network works with impacted stakeholders and allies, in addition to providing essential resources.
Statistics Canada released the first-ever report on the estimates of immigrant girls and women at risk of female genital mutilation/cutting in Canada.
End FGM Canada Network's Response:
The government has just released the first Canadian government statistics on FGM/C a few days ago. Their approach was the same as ours but looked at more data and in more detail but is still quite rudimentary. The top line of their report/statistics is this: The government report concludes that when looking at all ages of first-generation immigrant girls and women as well as second-generation girls and women aged 0-49, there are estimated to be between 95,000-161,000 girls and women in Canada who may either be living with the consequences of FGM/C or be at risk of experiencing FGM/C in the future. Most of them live in Ontario, Alberta, and Quebec.
And while we are delighted that some government statistics have come to light which we’ve been pushing for years-we are disappointed because, by the government's own admission, they are flawed; indeed the report says 'the results should not be interpreted as official estimates of FGM/C in Canada". The statistics are based on the 2016 Canadian Census, so are already out of date by five years. They include only 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East when we know that FGM/C is, in fact, a global issue that happens in many parts of Asia, many more parts of the Middle East, some parts of South America, Russia and elsewhere. Our own analysis looking at the 2021 Census indicates that we have immigrants from 59 countries where FGM/C is a long-standing practice. The recently released government statistics don't reflect FGM/C survivors or girls at risk from 30 of those countries.
We need further, deeper, and more comprehensive analyses to gain a greater understanding of the true numbers of girls and women living with the consequences of FGM/C as well as girls who may be at risk. Only then will there be the proper impetus to establish programs and services to support those girls and women. We also noted that community-based partners and women’s voices are missing, as these groups were not consulted during this process.
FGM/C Network called the midwives! And the AOM answered
The Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM) was approached by the End FGM/C Canada Network to support communities who have lived experienced with, and are working to end, female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C).
La Tribune Karine Tremblay - English version
"A case “too delicate” for the DPJ? Really?”
For the English translation, read here.
For the original french article read here.
CTV NEWS- Quebec rights body opens investigation after young girl's clitoris allegedly removed
“Quebec's human rights commission is investigating reports that the province's youth protection services failed to act on a suspected case of child genital mutilation. The commission said Thursday that it opened the probe on its own initiative after learning in the media about the case involving a two-year-old girl.”
Advocacy group launches training aimed at preventing female genital mutilation
The Thunderbird: Survivor says open dialogue is key to change the outdated practice
Defying destiny: a story of female genital mutilation
Bright, beautiful and charming, her brown eyes sparkling with intelligence and a sense of mischief, the young twentysomething Canadian woman seems the picture of the girl next door — except that she has a secret so traumatizing, so terrifying, she’s never told it to a single one of her girlfriends.
Change Through Culture: Episode 1
An interview featuring Grandmother Project executive director, Judi Aubel and Giselle Portenier, co-chair of End FGM Canada Network
Maryan Abdikadir talks to Adam Walk from CBC about FGM/C in Canada
A Report to Guide the Implementation of a National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence
Lethbridge News Now
Alberta government strengthening laws banning female genital mutilation
Toronto Star
Woman shares traumatic FGM secret and a bond is formed
Star readers help female genital mutilation survivor reach fundraising goal
Ottawa says female genital mutilation is ‘abhorrent,’ but offers no commitment on tracking cases
Women in small Muslim sect say they have had FGM in Canada
Ontario doctors repairing cases of female genital mutilation done a world away
Canadian girls are being taken abroad to undergo female genital mutilation, documents reveal
‘I just remember screaming’: Toronto FGM survivor recalls the day she was cut
The Globe and Mail
Letters to the Editor written by co-founder and board member, Giselle Portenier.
Letter to the Editor
Regina Leader-Post
Zero tolerance for FGM proclamation fails to meet criteria: City of Regina
"I was told by the city clerks office that they had declined the proclamation because they couldn't take sides on this issue."
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