Fact Sheet: Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting In Canada
Research shows that FGM/C is a global issue, as are the efforts to end it. FGM/C is found on every continent except Antarctica and is known to occur in over 90 countries across the globe, including Canada. It is performed by various ethnic, religious, and socio-economic groups, although it is not mandated by any major religion.
Looking at the 2021 Census, we see that Canada has immigrants from 59 countries where there is evidence that FGM is practiced. The End FGM Canada Network estimates there are more than 100,000 survivors of FGM/C in Canada.
Canada is one of the few Western countries where FGM/C is prevalent which do not have publicly available indirect data estimating the scale of the problem within the country.
Under the Canadian Criminal Code section 268(3), any person conducting FGM/C for non-medical reasons faces up to 14 years imprisonment. There has not been a single criminal prosecution or conviction for FGM/C in Canada since the legislation was enacted.
We have evidence of vacation cutting taking place in Canada.
This factsheet provides helpful information for media professionals and others who are interested in communicating about female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Canada.
Workshop for Media Practitioners
May 25th 2023 -End FGM Canada & Equality Now hosted a workshop & discussion on the critical role of media in ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada. FGM/C is a Canadian issue, too. Sensitive and informed reporting by the media is critical to addressing this human rights violation and raising the attention of the public and the government.
Watch the recored Webinar in ENGLISH
Watch the recored Webinar in FRENCH
How to Support FGM/C Impacted Women and Girls in Canada (Recording)
Feb.7th 2023 -In Recognition of February 6th, International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation we host an internationally collaborative event to launch FGM/C tools together with and for women and girls in Canada having experienced or at risk of FGM/C.
Watch the recored Webinar in ENGLISH
Watch the recored Webinar in FRENCH
Details in English
Details in French
End FGM Canada Network : A Panel Discussion the Realities of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Canada (Recording)
October 11th, 2022- This webinar was held on October 11th, marking the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child(IDG), with this year’s theme examining the rights and futures of girls worldwide.
Our webinar considered this theme by providing insights into FGM/C, examining how the issue presents within a Canadian context and how teachers, child protection specialists, and frontline workers can advocate for girls by standing up to the practice of FGM/C present in many communities across Canada.
Please watch and share our recorded webinar here.
French translation available here.
Guidance for Canadian Healthcare Professionals (Recording)
The End FGM Canada Network presents a webinar for health care professionals who care for survivors of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C.) Hear from a young activist/survivor in Ottawa and from long-time activist Maryam Sheik in Newfoundland, two women living with the consequences of FGM/C.
Hear and learn from Canadian obstetrician/gynaecologist Dr. Angela Deane with a special interest in FGM/C and restorative clitoral surgery; learn how to provide sensitive psychological support from psychologist and survivor Dr. Farzana Doctor. Moderated by Petronila Michael.
Guidance for Healthcare Professionals Webinar (Recording)
FGM: A Canadian Issue Too (Recording)
Recorded February 2, 2021. Hear from Klara Hillmann, public policy specialist, on Canada’s inaction on female genital mutilation/cutting; Maryan Sheikh, survivor and activist on why Canadians must end the silence; Angela Deane, OB-GYN, and Veronique Harvey, psychologist on how to support survivors. Moderated by Bilkis Visandjée from the University of Montreal. With a welcome from the Honorable Leela Aheer, Alberta’s Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women.
Female Genital Mutilation—A Canadian Issue Too Webinar (Recording)
“Do You Have a Clitoris?” And Other Questions Not to Ask Survivors of FGM/C: A Workshop for Trauma Counsellors/Therapists
Recorded in July 2021. Hear from Farzana Doctor, psychologist, counselor, and co-founder of the End FGM Canada as she talks to the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre and their counselors on how to talk about FGM/C as a therapist and appropriately support survivors.
Workshop for Trauma Counsellors/Therapists (Recording)
How to be an Ally to FGM/C Impacted Women & Girls
Understand the terminology, learn how to engage in conversation, educate yourself and so much more. Learn how to be an ally.
Female Genital Mutilation is Canada’s issue too- by Rheanna Philipp
The largest misunderstanding of FGM is that it only occurs in Africa. FGM is a practice that occurs in over 90 countries, with over 200 million survivors. Read Rheanna’s story.
‘Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada: Participatory research towards collective healing’
Research paper prepared by Sophia Koukoui, Adjunct Professor Université de Montréal Researcher, CIUSSS Centre-Ouest-de l’île de Montréal Clinical Psychologist.
Are Health Care Professionals Prepared to Provide Care for Patients Who Have Experienced Female Genital Cutting?
Health care professionals may be underprepared to address the unique needs of patients who have experienced female genital cutting. This cross-sectional survey found that health care professionals in a large Canadian city report an overall lack of knowledge and preparedness to provide care for these patients and to address issues of defibulation, reinfibulation, child safeguarding, and legalities surrounding female genital cutting. READ MORE.
How to Spot a Girl at Risk:
This document highlights ways in which individuals can protect and prevent girls from being subject to FGM/C
Psychological Impacts of FGM/C
Psychological Impacts of FGM/C from 28toomany
How should I talk to my friend about her FGM/C?
I'm A Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation Survivor Who's Finally Having Her #MeToo Moment
Dear Maasi: a sex and relationship column for survivors of female genital cutting
A sex and relationship column for survivors of FGM/C