
Fall 2021 Newsletter

End FGM Canada Newsletter - October 2021

Learning Modules

Learning Module for Teaching Professionals:

This new guide provides both a foundational learning module about female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and a sector-specific module to help Canadian teachers exercise their role in safeguarding girls at risk and supporting survivors of FGM/C in Canada. [created by Kristina Baier, M.D., Network member]

Female genital mutilation: A learning module for Canadian school teachers


Guidance for Canadian Healthcare Professionals (Recording)

The End FGM Canada Network presents a webinar for health care professionals who care for survivors of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C.) Hear from a young activist/survivor in Ottawa and from long-time activist Maryam Sheik in Newfoundland, two women living with the consequences of FGM/C.

Hear and learn from Canadian obstetrician/gynaecologist Dr. Angela Deane with a special interest in FGM/C and restorative clitoral surgery; learn how to provide sensitive psychological support from psychologist and survivor Dr. Farzana Doctor. Moderated by Petronila Michael.

Guidance for Healthcare Professionals Webinar (Recording)

FGM: A Canadian Issue Too (Recording)

Recorded February 2, 2021. Hear from Klara Hillmann, public policy specialist, on Canada’s inaction on female genital mutilation/cutting; Maryan Sheikh, survivor and activist on why Canadians must end the silence; Angela Deane, OB-GYN, and Veronique Harvey, psychologist on how to support survivors. Moderated by Bilkis Visandjée from the University of Montreal. With a welcome from the Honorable Leela Aheer, Alberta’s Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women.

Female Genital Mutilation—A Canadian Issue Too Webinar (Recording)

“Do You Have a Clitoris?” And Other Questions Not to Ask Survivors of FGM/C: A Workshop for Trauma Counsellors/Therapists

Recorded in July 2021. Hear from Farzana Doctor, psychologist, counselor, and co-founder of the End FGM Canada as she talks to the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre and their counselors on how to talk about FGM/C as a therapist and appropriately support survivors.

Workshop for Trauma Counsellors/Therapists (Recording)


How to Spot a Girl at Risk:

This document highlights ways in which individuals can protect and prevent girls from being subject to FGM/C

Psychological Impacts of FGM/C

Psychological Impacts of FGM/C from 28toomany

How should I talk to my friend about her FGM/C?

I'm A Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation Survivor Who's Finally Having Her #MeToo Moment

Dear Maasi: a sex and relationship column for survivors of female genital cutting

A sex and relationship column for survivors of FGM/C

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